Spiritual Growth

How To Take Every Thought Captive

If you suffer from negative thoughts, then you know that they have the power to debilitate your life. How do we take every thought captive?

 We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.

2 Corinthians 10:5

1. Identify Your Thought

Recognize the exact thought that needs to be taken captive. Maybe there are several of them–but for now, start with one. The main thought that is bothering you. Write it down.

2. Was There an “Activating Event?” That Triggered Your Thought?

Think back on when that thought came up. What happened right before it entered your mind? What was the “event” that triggered this thought? Write this event down and remember it for later.

3. Figure Out Your Core Beliefs And Why They Could Be Triggering Negative Thoughts

Typically, there is a core belief tied to a negative thought pattern. Remember that feelings are not facts. (For more help in figuring out what your core beliefs are, see step 6.)

4. Find A Replacement Thought

Go back to your original negative thought that you wrote down. Reread what it is. Now, find a replacement thought for it. This is especially powerful if you can replace your thought with a scripture.

For example, if the thought you need to take captive is, “I am ugly.” Then a replacement thought would be Psalm 139:14 “I am wonderfully made.

5. Challenge Your Thoughts

If our feelings are not facts, then one powerful thing you can do to take every thought captive is to begin to challenge your thoughts. Hold them up to truth, the Word of God—and see if they are true or not. Many times we have thoughts that are simply — lies.

6. Take Every Thought Captive with a Licensed Counselor

I am a firm believer in the power of counseling. My husband and I both see therapists, and it has been one of the best things we have spent our money on. Having negative thoughts is a part of spiritual warfare, but it is also something that can be taught how to overcome through a licensed professional. I know that therapy is not cheap, and it takes months and months of counseling to lead up to the point of diving into your debilitating thoughts.

When I was first battling my negative thoughts and anxiety, I took an online course from a licensed therapist. I am now an affiliate for this course, but I want you to know that I fully recommend it! Everything you have read here is just a taste of what you will learn through this taking thoughts captive online course.

The course dives deep into your core beliefs, activating events, how to challenge your thoughts, the spiritual side of things, and so much more.

Imagine if you no longer lived with debilitating thoughts. Who would you be? What would you be able to do? Who would you be able to reach?

Email me with any questions at all on this course, I am happy to help you get freedom! joyinhisgraceblog@gmail.com

Prayer To Take Thoughts Captive

Pray this prayer over yourself to help take your intrusive thoughts captive.

Dear Jesus, thank you so much for who you are. Thank you for coming into the world to give me access to the Father. I need help with my thoughts. I have these upsetting and debilitating thoughts and I don’t know where to turn. I am turning to you, Jesus. Please help me know how to take these thoughts captive. Please help me withstand the fiery darts of the enemy. I know that you love me and you don’t want me to suffer from anxiety. Help give me resources and tools to stop my thinking. I praise you in advance for healing me!


To learn more about my story and my struggle with anxious thoughts, listen to this podcast I was featured on!

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