Everyone worries. Whether they admit it or not – people worry. Some, more than others.
I also know the answer to all worry and fear. It’s Jesus.
And yes, sometimes medicine – but that’s a different topic for a different day.
This is a prayer to God to stop worrying. And while I wish that saying one short prayer for worry would suddenly take it all away– that is not always the case. Yes, God can instantly heal someone from anxiety and it never returns – but sometimes it is going to take a bit of work.
How Do I Ask God To Stop Worrying?
The best way to ask God to stop worrying is simply by praying. Praying is just talking to God! Isn’t that wonderful? You and I can have a conversation with the creator of the universe!
What is a good prayer for anxiety? A good prayer for worry or stress is one that covers every part of your body, spirit, and soul, and is asked for in Jesus name.
Prayer To Stop Worrying
Speak this prayer to God to stop worrying.
Heavenly Father, I am filled with worry! Lord, remind me how you know my every thought. You see how much worry I carry inside of me, and that is not a load you want me to carry. Remind me that your perfect love casts out all fear. I speak in Jesus name, that all worry and anxiety would leave my body, soul, and spirit right now by the blood of Jesus. I plead the blood of Jesus from the top of my head to the souls of my feet. Help me, Father, in the days to come to renew my mind on your truth. Thank you for your healing. Amen.
Matthew 6:34 – Do Not Worry About Anything
If you want to live a life free of worry – then you have to be intentional. When you feel your brain start to “go there” – have a plan.
Think about something else.
Speak truth out loud, instead of succumbing to the lies. The bible tells us that the power of life and death is in our tongue. So speak life!
Life could be any scripture or bible verse that can help fight worry.
But you have to actually speak it out loud for it to be your “sword.” (Ephesians 6)
Your weapon against worrying is the Word of God.
Don’t enter this battle without using your weapon!
Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.
Matthew 6:63
Jesus tells the disciples, “do not worry about tomorrow.” He doesn’t ask them not to worry, he tells them to stop.
Stop Worrying After You Pray
What would your life look like if you were free from that worrying thought? Take a second to truly imagine that. What would you do? Where would you go? Who would you be?
I pray you read this prayer to stop worrying out loud everyday, and that it will fill your heart and mind with peace. God is with you, and HE is not worried!
[…] In seasons of my life when I have been depressed, the psalms have been a tremendous resource to me. Why? Because David was honest about how he felt. He didn’t sugar coat things — he went through hard stuff and even asked God why he had forsaken him! It’s refreshing to read about David’s true feelings. Sometimes life is hard, and sometimes life as a Christian is hard too. Here are three great psalms to pray for when you feel depressed. […]