Prayer Guides

12 Prayer Prompts to Connect To God

Here are 12 powerful prayer prompts to help you connect to God.

God loves listening to you pray. He loves when you spend time with him. Think of praying as just talking and listening to God. I’ve found that using a prayer journal helps me. I love writing what I hear in my spirit. If you find that you are struggling to pray in the first place, then start here.


Prayer Prompts Questions for God

1. Who do you want to be for me today God?

(Father, protector, counselor, friend?)

Have you ever asked God a question? Many of these prayer prompts are questions to help you listen and receive from God. Think of prayer as more of a conversation with God, instead of a one way street.

2. What fruit of your spirit are you growing in me today God?

(Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, ect.)

Take a moment to pause, and listen if you “hear” any fruits of the spirit that the Lord wants to work on in your life. Once I was in a season where I felt the Lord was growing in me self control.

3. Jesus, how do you see me in this season?

Listen for good and loving words. It’s okay if you don’t “hear” anything. This takes time and practice. Give yourself grace and know that it’s okay if you don’t have anything to write down. Some examples below.

(He sees you as his daughter, as proud of you, as growing in him, ect.)

4. Holy Spirit, who are you calling me to love?

What burdens has he placed on your heart? Those are the people/group he wants to use you in.

Is it the homeless, outcast, addict, ect. Maybe you are called to foster children, or just be an advocate for those with no voice.

Prayer Prompts of Thankfulness

5.Thank you, God, for _________________.

Thank God for everything in your life that does not have monetary value. Come to him with a heart of thankfulness and knowing that he is provider, will allow you to go even deeper in your relationship with him. Come up with 10 things you can thank him for!

6. Testimony of God’s Faithfulness

Reflect on a testimony of God’s faithfulness, and thank him for what he has done.

We overcome by the word of our testimony. Sometimes we forget how God has been faithful to us. When I take time to reflect and prayerfully thank God for who he is and what he has done, it grows my faith.

Think of a very specific time in your life where evidence of God was there.

Prayer Prompts of Scripture

7. Luke Chapter 15

Spend 10 minutes journaling/praying bout the Father’s heart for YOU.

The story of the prodigal son is one of the most beautiful, redemptive stories in the Bible. A great prayer prompt is to ask God what his heart for you is—with the story of the prodigal as your guide. He comes running to you–no matter what.

8. The Armor of God Prayer Prompt

Go through each armor of God and pray the verse aloud over yourself. This is powerful! 

“Holy Spirit, help me to put on the belt of truth around my waist. I put on the breastplate of righteousness to protect and guard my heart..”

Ephesians 6:14-17

Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.

9. Spiritual Gifts Prayer Prompt

Ask God to show you the spiritual gifts he has given you. Did you know each one of us has gifts from the Holy Spirit? Maybe you don’t know what yours are. Ask him!

Father, show me my spiritual gifts. Use me in these ways to further your kingdom. Help me to hear your voice, and use your gifts to edify your church.

10. The Lord’s Prayer Prompt

Read the Lord’s prayer aloud and then take each verse and put it into your own words. Ask God to help you with each line of that prayer.

Ask him, “In what area of this prayer do I need to fully surrender to you?”   

Do you need to trust God as your provider? (Giving us this daily our daily bread)

Do you need to forgive others as he has forgiven you?

Spend some time reflecting and listening to what God puts in your spirit.

Prayers of Covering and Protection Prompts

11. Prayer of Covering For Your Family Prompt

Jesus tells us that we do not have because we do not ask. Take time to ask for protection and favor over your family. Take the time to ask for freedom, healing, forgiveness, ect.

Heavenly Father, I pray for _______________ today. May you send your angels to protect them and keep them safe. I ask that you put your mighty hand upon them, and give them favor and covering. Lord, I speak your anointing and power over _____ in the name of Jesus. That no weapon formed against them would prosper. Help them to grow into the mighty (man or woman) you have called and destined them to be.

12. Prompt for Praying Over your Heart

It is evident in scripture that God is concerned about our heart.

What’s your agenda when it comes to different situations? Are you doing things for “show” or to say “look at me” or do you have a pure heart?

I may think I have good intentions, but when I pray and ask God to reveal to me what’s truly in my heart, sometimes he shows me things deep inside that I didn’t realize were there.

God, create in me a clean heart. Reveal to me anything within my heart that doesn’t honor your or give you all the glory. Let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable in your sight! Help me not to do things for man’s approval, but remind me that you see everything, and you are proud of me!

Take time journaling or reflecting on anything the Spirit shows you that is in your heart. Sometimes we need to do a deep cleaning of our heart! (I love this journal 😊)

The Power of Prayer Prompts

I hope praying these over yourself and your family will continue to be powerful for you and your life. Never underestimate the power of prayer!

The enemy of our souls wants to distract us from praying, but truly nothing is more important than talking to our Creator!

God is good, all the time!


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