Do you need a prayer for mothers everywhere? These short prayers for mothers everywhere will encourage, uplift, and help guide all moms–no matter what phase of motherhood they are in. If you wonder, “How do I pray for my mother?” you will find a guide to praying for her here. Many of these are prayers for mothers with bible verses already woven inside of them.
Guide to Praying for Moms
A quick guide to praying for mothers is to pray scripture over them, ask God for blessing and favor over their life, protection from harm, and pray in Jesus’s name.
Prayer for Mothers Everywhere

Prayer for the expectant mom
Heavenly Father, I thank you for _________, who is going to be a mom soon. I pray that her baby would be healthy. In the Bible, you tell us that you know us in our mother’s womb, and that you make us fearfully and wonderfully made. I thank you that right now, you are forming this baby inside their mother’s womb. Help the mother to say healthy and safe throughout her pregnancy. I pray for financial peace as she welcomes this child into the world. Be with her throughout her delivery and her postpartum journey. Help me to be the friend that she needs during this time. It’s in Jesus name I pray, amen.
Prayer for single moms
Heavenly Father, I thank you for (name of person). I thank you that you have entrusted her with the children you have given. Lord, it can’t be easy being a single mom. Help lead her and guide her in every decision that she makes for her children. I ask that you send people into her life to help her in the little things and the big things when it comes to motherhood. Please help show me if there is anything I can do for her. I pray that her children will know how much their momma loves them. In Jesus name I pray, amen.
Prayer for working moms
Jesus, I thank you for (name of person). I thank you that they are in my life and for all that they mean to me. Lord, I pray that you will give her the strength she needs each day to put one foot in front of the other. It’s not easy being a working mom, but Lord, you say in your word that your strength is made perfect in our weakness. I pray that it will be your strength that shines through in her life. Help remind her that she works not for “man” but as unto the Lord. I pray that she will give you the honor and glory in the way that she works. Help her in every area of life, showing her that it’s okay for her to give herself grace. Remind her that she doesn’t have to have a clean house or work out multiple times a week, but that what is most important, is loving you and loving others. Amen.
Prayer for overwhelmed moms
Heavenly Father, please help me today. Help me have patience, which is a fruit of your Spirit. Give me supernatural patience and peace as I parent my children. Lord, I am tired. I often doubt if I am getting this motherhood thing right. I ask that you would encourage me today, and send someone or something my way to show me that I am doing a good job. Thank you for the gift of my children, thank you for entrusting them with me. I am simply overwhelmed as a mother. Help me to remember that before I am a mom, I am your child. I am a child of God and a coheir with Christ. Please help me make time to spend reading my Bible. I know that in my prayer and devotion time, I will be truly refreshed. In Jesus name, amen.
Prayers for moms who need rest
Lord Jesus, I come to you completely exhausted. Not only am I exhausted, but I am weary. Everything and everyone is on the weight of my shoulders. But Lord, you said in your Word that YOUR yoke is easy and your burden is light. I know this doesn’t mean that life will be easy, but it means that in you, and with your presence, you give unexplainable peace. Refresh me today with your peace. Help me to find rest in you, but also in the natural. My body is tired. Show me how I can make time for more rest during my day. God, when you created the world, you taught us about rest. You rested! Help me to remember the importance of rest, and make it accessible for me to rest. I love you. Amen.
Prayers for moms with sons
Heavenly Father, I come to you today and lift up (name of mother). Lord, help her to be the mother you have called her to be. Help her to demonstrate the fruit of your Spirit in every decision that she makes as his mom. It’s not easy being a mom with sons in this day and age. Help give her discernment when it comes to parenting her son. I pray that no weapon formed against him shall prosper! I pray that she would be able to instill in him good characteristics, but that most importantly, Lord, that her son would grow up to love and to know you. Thank you for giving her her son! In Jesus name, amen.
Prayers for moms with daughters
Lord Jesus, I come to you today and I lift up (name of mother). Jesus, I ask that you would help her as she raises her daughter. Help her to teach her daughter how to be a Godly woman. Help her to show her daughters that it is not what is on the outside that matters, but what is inside their heart. Help her as she navigates the challenges that come with raising girls. I pray that you will give her the strength and grace needed each day. Help her to look to you as her source, and not anything else. In your name I pray, amen.
Prayers for moms who need salvation
Oh Lord God, I lift up (name of person). Lord, she needs your salvation. Father she is lost and she is hurting. I pray God that you would reveal your Spirit to her, and that she would come to know you as her Lord and Savior. Send people her way who would point her to you. Help give me the words to say to her whenever I see her. She needs your salvation Lord. It’s hard enough being a mom these days, but without you God, I don’t see how people do it. Bless her Lord, in Jesus name I pray, amen.
Prayer for mother who need healing
Heavenly Father, I come before you today, hurting. Lord Jesus, (name of person) needs a mighty touch from you. Lord this mom needs healing all throughout her body. I pray that you would heal her from the top of her head to the soles of her feet. Lord that you would restore her body to good health–for your glory and your name. You are the great physician, and the great healer! May your name be magnified as we believe for her healing. Touch this mother today, Lord God. In Jesus name I pray, amen.
See Prayer for a friend with cancer.
Prayers for mothers who need help
Heavenly Father, I come to you today and ask you to help (name of person). Lord she needs help as a mom, and there is only so much that I can do. Please send people her way who will walk alongside her as she mothers her children. Help her by guiding her with your love and your Holy Spirit. I ask that you would do a miracle in her life and that she would see a breakthrough today. Remind her that she doesn’t need to worry about tomorrow or the next day, but to just take each day as it comes. Help her today, Lord Jesus. Amen.
Prayers for anxious moms
Lord Jesus, I am feeling so anxious today, and most days if I am honest. Please help me with this anxiety, help me to fight every bad thought that comes my way. Show me what it means to take every thought captive. Lord, send help. Give me wisdom and guidance over my mind and how I can get better. It’s so hard to live like this. I feel alone and afraid. Lead me into still waters and into your green pastures. Help me to make time with you each day my continued priority. Help me to speak scriptures for battling my anxiety. I know that in your presence there is fullness of joy. I need you, Lord. Amen.
Prayers for moms with prodigals
Heavenly Father, I come before you today with a broken heart. My child has turned from serving you. Lord I raised them in church; I taught them your Word! God please reveal yourself to them. Help them return back to you, Jesus. I pray you would encounter them in a way that they could never deny you! Give me the words and wisdom in knowing what to say when I speak to them. Help me to trust you with my child. I give them back to you, just like Hannah in the Bible did with her son Samuel. Amen.
Prayers for moms of an addict
Oh Jesus, please, please help my child. Lord, they are lost and drowning in their addiction. I know that you are a God who can do miracles and a God who can restore. Help them to see the error of their ways. Bring to us resources where they can get the help that they need. I ask that you touch them and deliver them from their addiction in the name of Jesus Christ. You are more than able to heal, deliver, and set free my child. God, I pray that you would encounter them and reveal your Spirit to them. Help me, Lord. My heart is aching for my child. Carry me on these days that weigh so heavily on me. Amen.
Prayers for hurting mothers
Father God, I come before you today in need of your love. Lord, your love is the only thing that can touch and minister to my heart. Jesus, I am hurting. I don’t understand why I am in such a dark and desperate situation, but I am. God you say in your Word “Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.” Your Word also says “the Lord is near to the broken hearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.” Please be near to me and send me comfort. I don’t know where else to turn. In Jesus name, I pray, amen.
Prayer for mothers everywhere
Heavenly Father, I know you hear this prayer for mothers everywhere, and God I ask that you would send your blessings over them. A mother’s job is not easy, and their love never tires. Help give each mother the strength and grace they need each day as it comes. Help them to not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow has enough troubles of its own. Help all mothers as they make decisions regarding their families and their children. Lord, we know that mothers are precious to you! Jesus, you had a wonderful mother while you were on earth, and you know the special love that a mom has for her child. I thank you for the gifts that moms are to the world and pray for your abundant blessings and mercies over them. In your son Jesus’s name, amen.
Hymns for a Mother’s Heart
As you finish up your prayer for mothers everywhere, it’s a good idea to think about a gift for your mom. I love everything this company produces, and I believe this will continue to encourage and uplift her heart!
Check out these Hymns for a Mother’s Heart.
Blessings in Christ,