Bible Studies

Lessons from Leah in The Bible

Take a look at some of the lessons from Leah in the Bible.

Leah in the Bible was a woman who was unloved by her husband but yet rejoiced in God. Her life speaks of favor and faith in God, even though the world’s standards might have said otherwise.

Story of Leah In The Bible

The story of Leah in the Bible can be found in Genesis Chapter 29. Please read this story, and then bookmark this page so you can refer back to it.

Start at verse 15– when Jacob marries Rachel.

What Lessons From Leah in the Bible Can We Learn?

There are so many lessons from Leah in the Bible. She was a resilient woman, who trusted in God and gave him honor in all things.

1. God Loves The Unlovable

In the story of Leah and Rachel in the bible, we see that Jacob preferred Rachel. Some translations of the Bible say that Leah had “weak eyes.”  Many scholars believe this to mean that Leah was “unattractive” according to the times and culture.  

It’s evident that to Jacob, Leah was unlovable.

As someone whose spouse loves them very much (me!) I cannot imagine being called unlovable by someone who is supposed to have my back–my husband.

But this was the case for Leah. 

Her story doesn’t end there, though. We see that God loves Leah so much, even though she is unlovable in man’s eyes. He blesses her with many children!  During this period, being able to have children was a sign of how much a woman was “worth.”  Not only did God love Leah in his own eyes, but he made her seen as a woman with great value in earthly eyes as well.

So much for being weak-eyed!

2. Man’s Opinion Does Not Matter

In the Bible story of Jacob and Leah, Jacob’s opinion of her is that she is the “less than” sister. Jacob wanted Rachel. 

In this story, however, who is the sister that is ultimately the most blessed?


Leah never let the opinion of Jacob stop her from praising her God.  She never let her husband’s opinion of her change her attitude. 

If there is someone in your life whose opinion of you is bad, take a lesson from the great matriarch of the Bible – Leah.  It does not matter what man’s opinion of you is, all that matters is that God loves you.

3. The Grass Isn’t Always Greener

One of the most powerful lessons from Leah in the Bible is one of comparison.

Leah wanted her husband to love her.  After she had each baby, she said “Surely now my husband will love me!”  She longed to be loved like Rachel was loved.  

But take a look at Rachel’s thoughts.  Was Rachel content with being the prized sister?

No!  She may have had Jacob’s affection, but there was a point in which she had no children.  

She wanted what Leah had, and Leah wanted what Rachel had.

It’s easy to look at the people around you and think that their life is so much better than yours.  But as the saying goes, the grass is not always greener on the other side.

4. Find Your Worth in God, Not Your Husband

What would have happened if Leah had put her worth in her husband?  What would have happened if she put her value, in how much her husband loved her or not?

Do you think she would have remained faithful to God?  Do you think she would have been happy, like we see her being towards the end of this story?

Of course not.

The same goes for you and me. The sooner you realize that your husband can never satisfy you in the way that God can, the better.  Humans will fail you.  Your husband is imperfect.  There will be something he says that upsets you, at some point.

If he forgets to give you something for Valentine’s Day, or a birthday, – it does not mean that you aren’t worthy of love.  It doesn’t even mean that HE doesn’t love you.

Put your self-worth in Jesus Christ. He loves you, he loves you, he loves you.

5. Count and Thank God for Your Blessings

Leah in the Bible demonstrates a beautiful example of counting and thanking God for her many blessings!

Everything she has, she owes to him.  She acknowledges that God is the giver of all good and perfect gifts.

Each baby of hers—she is thankful for. 

She calls herself “happy!” Which is the meaning of the name Leah in the Bible.

Do you call yourself happy? What blessings in your life can you thank God for today?

6. God is a God of Redemption

Just like we see in the story of Ruth, Sarah, and Esther, God is a God of redemption.

Even in Old Testament times, in which the story of Jacob and Leah takes place, we see how God can work all things out for good.

God redeems Leah’s story, from one of being unlovable to one of being extremely blessed and happy. 

She was the ugly, unwanted sister.

But instead, God blessed her tenfold with many children, and with gladness in her heart.

Whatever horrible situation you face today, know that just like with Leah, God is a god of redemption, and he will. be with you, too.

7. Jesus’ Lineage Came from Leah

Jesus came from Leah.  Not directly, but through her lineage he was born!  

I find it interesting that God didn’t choose for Christ’s birth to be through Rachel—the lovely and desired bride, but from Leah!

Throughout the Bible, we see things that would be counter-cultural to the way we would do it. 

Through the lineage of this unloved woman, Jesus is born.

Perhaps you think you are “too damaged” to be used by God.  Just remember through whom God chose for his son to have lineage. 

8. Sometimes Life is Painful

Leah teaches us that life is painful sometimes.  She is just one of many bible characters who teach us this.

Unloved by her husband, and in turmoil with her sister, she didn’t necessarily have it easy. 

But still, we see, that Leah is content.

If that doesn’t speak to your heart, then I don’t know what will.

9. The Lord Sees You

I love the verse where it says “God saw Leah..” It brings so much comfort in knowing that he sees me, too.

The Lord sees you. 

He sees your joys. 

He sees your sorrows.

He hears your prayers

He catches your tears.

The God of Leah is the same God of you and me! 

10. Choose to be Happy

Leah chooses to be happy. She could have chosen to be angry or bitter.  She could have chosen to live jealous of her sister.

Leah chooses happiness.

I hope and pray, that you will too.

Let us learn from the qualities of Leah in the Bible.

Know that you are seen, loved, and known by God.  You are cared for and valued in his sight. 

Through you, the Lord can do many mighty things.

And finally, choose to have eyes that see the world, in the way that Leah did.

What are some other lessons from Leah in the Bible?

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